How are we different?

As we spend more and more time at home, substituting the gym for places and times that are more convenient for us, traditional equipment like dumbbells, resistance bands and ab rollers have lost their place in our everyday workout routine. We’re seeing an increase in need for a comprehensive all-around solution to make working out easier without losing effectiveness. SlimBow is the only workout equipment that is able to fill this new niche in order to make you feel comfortable working out at home or office.


11 jampacked exercises that will give you the results you need from muscle building to fat burning.

Feel the burn

SlimBow ensures you’ll feel the resistance as you reach a full range of motion with each exercise. From avid gym-goers to stay at home parents, SlimBow will have you sweating!

Fashion statement

Never a dull moment with SlimBow, from the plethora of exercises it offers and its sleek and unique design SlimBow is shaping the future of exercising.

Value pack

SlimBow ensures you’ll feel the resistance as you reach a full range of motion with each exercise. From avid gym-goers to stay at home parents, SlimBow will have you sweating!